
Topaz blue stones on a blue sky background

Topaz Frost in November

November babies, TOPAZ is your jewel! Though Topaz is known as a Fire element this blue topaz reminds us of a November frost as the crisp air envelopes us.  Fun...

Topaz Frost in November

November babies, TOPAZ is your jewel! Though Topaz is known as a Fire element this blue topaz reminds us of a November frost as the crisp air envelopes us.  Fun...

Autumn foliage by the pond in central park NY

Season Changes

       autumn chilly nights    last show of colorful hues        only the wind speaks are the feelings that embrace this time of year. We say so long...

Season Changes

       autumn chilly nights    last show of colorful hues        only the wind speaks are the feelings that embrace this time of year. We say so long...

A silver round ring with horn carved with a V and silver olive branch laid over the horn

Sketch of the Week: "Ring for Mr. V"

Mr. V is a special man who deserves a very special ring for all his good deeds he gives to the world. We kept in mind while designing that.....He likes silver...

Sketch of the Week: "Ring for Mr. V"

Mr. V is a special man who deserves a very special ring for all his good deeds he gives to the world. We kept in mind while designing that.....He likes silver...

photo of the rainbow tourmaline charm on a necklace in 18k rose gold

Rainbows and Tourmaline

Lunch rainbows, dinner rainbows, they were everywhere this week. Which makes us think of Watermelon Tourmaline, the love stone connected to the heart. This little beauty joins the cherry blossom pendant...

Rainbows and Tourmaline

Lunch rainbows, dinner rainbows, they were everywhere this week. Which makes us think of Watermelon Tourmaline, the love stone connected to the heart. This little beauty joins the cherry blossom pendant...